"Advice dedicated to young and future parents on buying their YOYO stroller"

Which skateboards and boards are compatible with the YOYO stroller ?

YOYO stroller-compatible universal baby carriage board

You want to keep your YOYO stroller when your second child arrives.

But you don’t want to spend €120 on a YOYO board ?

A buggy board that will enable you to carry your eldest child on your outings and save you having to buy a second stroller or a double stroller.

Yes, but is it possible to install a non-Babyzen accessory on the Stroller ?

If so, which ones ?

I’ll explain right away !

Can I fit another brand of buggy board on the YOYO Babyzen stroller ?

The answer is yes, if it’s a universal baby stroller board.

In other words, a buggy board that can be mounted on any stroller in the world, even double strollers.

They come in all types and prices.

From a simple platform for your child to stand on, to a sidecar for a stroller, there’s a wide range of accessories to meet your needs and fit your YOYO stroller.

Example with a universal baby carriage board from another brand, but installed on the YOYO.

universal baby carriage board installed on a YOYO Babyzen stroller

Do I need an adapter to install the universal buggy board on my YOYO stroller ?

No, you don’t need an extra adapter to install the universal boad on your beautiful YOYO stroller.

The buggy boards are fitted to the flaps of the stroller’s rear frame by means of sturdy Velcro fasteners or attachments around the frame’s rungs.

That’s why they’re universal, as they can be adapted to all stroller frame diameters.

baby carriage board platform on YOYO stroller

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