"Advice dedicated to young and future parents on buying their YOYO stroller"

Ensuring Your Child's Safety with the
YOYO Stroller

Combine comfort and safety for your children

YOYO Babyzen stroller security

Is a child safe in the YOYO stroller ?

The answer is a resounding YES !

In three years of experience, I have never encountered any problems or concerns for my children with this stroller.

I have no hesitation in navigating with the YOYO stroller in challenging or crowded areas.

I remain calm and enjoy myself with my YOYO.

The 5-point harness of the YOYO stroller

Five points because your child is secured by five straps on the stroller.

They are very sturdy and perfectly adjustable according to your child’s size.

In three years of use, the harness has never come undone on its own, and no strap has cracked or loosened despite numerous times of attaching and detaching the baby.

Roll with peace of mind with the 5-point harness for your baby !

The foolproof brake of the YOYO stroller

Here’s where it’s impressive; the YOYO’s brake is incredible.

Simply by pressing it, it locks the rear wheels.

And the stroller is completely secure.

After three years of use, the brake hasn’t budged and remains as sturdy as ever.

Even on steep slopes in Greece.

YOYO Babyzen stroller by the water

Exemplary stability of the YOYO stroller

This is even more impressive !

In three years of use, I have never tipped the YOYO stroller to one side.

With or without the brake, the stroller is stable with or without the baby.

It’s very impressive and reassuring as a parent when we have our baby on board.

Why is the YOYO so popular ?
Here are the other major advantages
of the YOYO